Magna, College of Arts & Science
The Christmas Celebrations was celebrated in the college with the Staff and Students coming in their best. The function was arranged in the Lincoln Hall. The programme began with the singing of the Christmas carols in the background. A student Ms. Mercy II BCA led the gathering in prayer. This was followed by the Bible reading by V. Mariya Selvakumari I B Sc (CSc). The Director, Mr. Jerry Prashant then welcomed the gathering. This was followed by Carol singing by the students of various Departments. A dance performance and a mime depicting the Christmas theme was also staged. The Chief Guest in his message said that sharing and love for others are the core of Christmas celebration. He pointed out that sharing should not be only material but also emotional. Santa then arrived bringing along with him good cheer.
Puffs and cakes were distributed to the students. The Management hosted a fellowship lunch for the staff. The Chief Guest and Principal also joined for lunch.